7 Christmas activities to do at home!

1. Cosy up in front of a Christmas film

If your children are old enough to watch a film, this is a fab way of getting into the festive mood. Why not make a Christmas tree shaped grazing board with veggie sticks, crisps and dips to share in front of the screen?

christmas den

2. Create your own garlands

A few blog posts ago, we explained how to create your own paper garland from scratch, but you can also add homemade baubles and paper snowflakes and stars to existing garlands or artificial garlands. Use cable ties to secure tightly, and have fun! We’ve spotted garlands on the outsides of houses, around door frames and along window sills, as well as in the traditional places such as up the stair case and along the fireplace. – So it’s safe to say that we think anything goes when it comes to glamming up with garlands!

3. Make your own gingerbread men

Start a tradition, and get your Christmas bake on! Children love to bake, and will enjoy the process. – There are so many great gingerbread recipes online now, and also many that are suitable for different dietary lifestyles too, so no one need miss out! Gingerbread men make a lovely gift, and in our household we even leave one out for Father Christmas… It’s always gone by the morning, aside from a few crumbs. Funny that!

christmas biscuits

4. Curl up with a Christmas story

There’s nothing better than snuggling down under a duvet with a good festive book in hand. We have our own stash of Christmas books which are carefully stashed away each year, which makes it a special tradition when they appear annually at the beginning of December!

christmas reading

5. Track Father Christmas

If your children like to have evidence of whereabouts Father Christmas is on his journey through the skies, then introduce them to the tracking app, where you can see at a glance where he’s managed to deliver to. Official NORAD Tracks Santa (noradsanta.org)

6. Wrap some gifts

Children love to help when it comes to wrapping gifts, and if they’re old enough, let them choose the paper and other trimmings like ribbon for the gifts from them. It helps them feel engaged in the process of giving, and enables them to appreciate the notion of thinking of others. 

christmas wrapping

7. Write some Christmas cards

Children love a process, so the idea of writing a Christmas card list, picking or making the cards and then writing and posting them is a lovely tradition to instill.

christmas cards

... and there you have it! 

All that's left to say from us, is that we Wish all our folk a Very Merry Christmas! 
